Case Results

Wage and hour class action / PAGA claim involving employees of a valet parking company providing parking services throughout Southern California. Allegations included failure to pay overtime wages, failure to reimburse employees for personal cell phones required to be used for business purposes, failure to provide meal and rest periods, failure to properly calculate bonuses and failure to provide accurate wage statements: $700,000 Settlement

Class action wage claim filed under the California Private Attorney General’s Act involving employees of a trucking company who were not paid for wages owed to them. RESULT: $400,000 settlement

Older worker fired after taking medical leave for cancer treatment: $380,000

Employee enticed to take a job in California moved her family out only to be fired from the position less than 6 months later: $275,000

Engineer fired after requesting time off to take care of a sick child: Confidential Settlement (mid 6 figures)

Employee terminated after filing a workers compensation claim and requesting medical leave: Confidential Settlement (high 6 figures)

Employee of major movie studio subjected to sexual harassment and sex assault in the workplace: Confidential Settlement

Employee terminated after informing employer of her high risk pregnancy and need to take time off for bed rest: Confidential Settlement (six figures)

Client Reviews

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